Meanwhile, there are even " National Socialists for Israel . This of course raises some questions. If this flow, if the man can call it a fake? Where are overlaps between Nazi ideology and Israel solidarity? Their anti-Semitism, the Nazis, perhaps even overcome? If so, there will now be next to an anti-imperialist front cross between left and right front Antiimps a wide cross between left and right israel solidarity activists?
I would like to try on these issues, in order to provide answers, starting with the question: Is this
flow, provided the man can call it a fake?
This obvious question is have selbstredent Nazis but also Jews and thus chosen the Jewish state as arch-enemies.
For this consideration we take but a moment that this is not a fake. Both comments on the blog of the "NaSofI" [1] and the arguments of the National Socialists can this show at least theoretically, as will.
Where to find an overlap between Nazi ideology and Israel solidarity?
To answer this question has to watch the first man, like the "comrades" argue. should advocate that the Nazis no longer "different value of races," must be known. Their racism is not gone yet, but is reflected in its ethnic pluralism. Which, it is each ethnic group in one part of the roots and may then in its "natural habitat" - live - and I mean racially homogeneous. The
NaSofI demand exactly this ethnic pluralism and for Israel, when they write that "[e] ach people [...] his tradition, its territory and its place in the history [is] - and that includes Israel is "[2] so that people (in this case Jews) bound via a racist argument to a new country is the spot, as I said, is not new... only that this ethnic pluralism is first asked explicitly of rights for Jews.
be the first time viewed Jews as "a healthy and strong nation" [3]. That [live] "[a] strong people have [earned. ..] a sick and dying "[3] the authors make clear from the front inside. These arguments are racist, where would we be clear on the overlap between insane racial theory of the Nazis and Israel solidarity on the other.
have overcome their anti-Semitism, the Nazis so even?
look more closely at human, the article is clear: without anti-Semitism does not Nazis in Israel solidarity - as paradoxical as this may sound. In addition to the already discussed racist Argumenatation are joined by easily recognizable anti-Semitic argumentation.
course: In the first paragraph of "Why Israel" [2] text, the Nazis set themselves unusually critical look at its enemy and its ideology. Nevertheless, the mentioned paragraph is not clearly contradicted; wherefore man must accept that the NaSofI Israel the blame "on almost all political misery in the world ".., attribute, too, is part of the standard repertoire of neo-Nazi anti-Semites
Moreover, Jews in Germany or ethnic minorities is generally a" attributed to decomposition of plant "- an argument that certain intellectual legacy of the Nazi racial theory is
A paragraph has been felt like. anti-Semitism influenced the NaSofI think:
It was in the nature of the condition of the Diaspora that they [the Jews] did not otherwise have to infiltrate than in other nations who can blame them that they taken the step to full assimilation before. have they ever - and successful -? have preserved their ethnic identity, the pogroms, the Expulsions, the Inquisition, they are equally understandable; Self-Defense Act of threatened peoples. . In this context is the so-called "Holocaust" to see, but by no means to defend [3]Jews per se are declared as national foreign and different - even though they themselves mehreitlich as German, French, Americans, and so did!
Even without the historical revisionism is not items, but he calls for an understanding of the Shoah, or less than (at least one) possible answer to the "world Jewry". At this point is particularly clear that anti-Semitism has not disappeared.
According NaSofi logic Jews have also established a state and the associated "foreign Items sold (the cleanup work is still going on) "[3]. Here they serve resentment against the Israeli state was founded, which are equally connotes anti-Semitic.
How does it look so with the cross-front?
A cross-front between anti-German and NaSofI is ruled out with certainty look human, the argument of the Nazis is, it's clear that not much can find more than a departure from the classic anti-Semitism Still the argument is full of racism and anti-Semitism -.. a foundation on which never a cross-front may occur between anti-Germans and Nazis to pass.
situation is different with neo-conservatives, as they often rely on rumgeistern Politically Incorrect . The intersections, should be more comprehensive to secure agreement between the dominant understanding Israel and the NaSofI. Anti-fascists should pay attention especially directed to it so that the Nazis have no inflow of neoconservative and (supposedly) israel solidarity people.
[1] eg https: / / www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=2110833648563053968&postID=5044260266102646803
[2] http://nasofi.blogspot.com/2007/12/warum-israel. html
[3] http://nasofi.blogspot.com/2008/05/ein-starkes-volk-verdient-es-zu-leben.html