Saturday, April 24, 2010

Will Bluetooth Work With Direct Connect

BJD BJD Porcelain

a few photos on the lower steps are visible from the porcelain processing.
The demolded blanks geschrühte blanks and a size comparison between Rohporzellan and fired porcelain. I have the head ever painted on muslin. The painting is done in several steps and fires. I love porcelain and work with it. It is a wonderful and noble material. I have to work very carefully, because China does not forgive mistakes. Porcelain has many advantages over other materials such as the age resistance, scratch resistance and durability of the colors.

Cup O Noodle For Stomach Flu

WIP Work in Process

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hydrogenated Oils Skippy Peanut Butter

Essay: 2020

14th April 2010 - The World

The crisis sharpened awareness of what we hold dear - also on the plate. Ten Theses on nutrition and food culture of the future

the first shock of the global financial and economic crisis, we have digested. But high unemployment rates, stagnant or falling real incomes, rising food prices and growing global distribution battles are drawn in the Western industrialized countries, sustainable changes in diet and eating habits by themselves. Forcibly, followed over long distances but also by a conscious, epistemic values change.

article PDF