Thursday, May 20, 2010

Golds Gym Issaquah Membership Fee

The sense of our senses - yesterday, today and tomorrow.

lecture with tasting 20/05/2010

Education Catering - way to an innovative school catering in Germany

education, health and culture must be "edible" be linked. The subject of health in schools is often branched, far and intimately connected with the subject of food. What is the current discussion about the healthy school meals often forgotten yet is the fact that our Ernähungsverhalten not only the result of scientific knowledge, but in many ways is culturally. The

can be bundled as part of 11 event dates expert knowledge, introduced new teaching methods of nutrition communication and learning and is intended to show designed to promote health in partnership and how the school board.

impressions of the lecture, including tastings with Hanni and Rützler Johann Lafer :


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